eSignature Legality Guide

Learn the facts about electronic signature laws and local regulations that govern digital identities and digital certificates for e-signatures around the world.

Key Information Included in the Guide

This guide provides answers to commonly asked questions about e-signature legality such as:

  • Are e-signatures legal, admissible, and enforceable in my local jurisdiction?
  • Are there certain documents that cannot be e-signed?
  • Does local regulation govern the use of digital IDs and/or digital certificates for e-signatures? 
  • Are there any documents that require use of Qualified Electronic Signatures (QES)?
  • Does local law provide certification bodies / trust services that e-signature users should be aware of?
  • How is OneSpan Sign designed to meet the e-signature requirements in my jurisdiction?

About the Guide

The OneSpan E-Signature Legality Guide is the result of legal research into the laws and practices regarding electronic signature and digital signature technologies and was developed in partnership with a multinational law firm. The information contained in this guide serves as a public resource to understand e-signature legality and clarify some of the common misconceptions about the legality of e-signatures around the world*. 

*DISCLAIMER: The information contained in this guide is for information purposes only, provided as is as of the date of publication and should not be relied upon as legal advice or to determine how the law applies to your business or organization. It is recommended that you seek guidance from your legal counsel with regard to law applying specifically to your business or organization and how to ensure compliance. OneSpan does not accept liability for the contents of these materials or for third parties materials.

Last updated: November 2020

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