
Biometric Authentication: Five Myths Busted

OneSpan Podcast American Banker Sam Bakken

Biometric authentication could revolutionize online security. It promises the higher level of defense that users will demand before they fully embrace digital banking while also offering a convenient user experience. Yet, numerous misconceptions over security, accuracy, and privacy stand in the way of widespread adoption. These concerns are often unfounded and speak to a misunderstanding of the technology. 

In this 14-minute podcast from American Banker, Sam Bakken, Senior Product Marketing Manager, sets the record straight by dispelling five of the most pervasive myths around biometric authentication.

In this podcast, you will learn:

  • Whether facial recognition can be fooled by a static photo
  • How biometrics can protect users privacy
  • How the natural aging process affects biometric authentication


Sam Bakken

Sam Bakken, Senior Product Marketing Manager​