Free eSignLive Technology Webcast to Take on Electronic Contracting Myths

October 16, 2007

E-signature solutions from Silanis allow organizations to finalize legally binding, electronic contracts online, at the office, or at the point of sale. This month's educational Webcast will dispel common myths about this rapidly expanding practice.

Montreal, QC, October 17, 2007 — Leading e-signature provider Silanis Technology will offer an educational Webcast on the increasingly common practice of executing contracts electronically, including a review of related misconceptions, on Wednesday, October 24, at 2pm EDT.

Silanis President and Co-Founder Tommy Petrogiannis will host this free event that will introduce attendees to Web-based and point-of-sale e-contracting with consumers, and electronic agreements with partners and employees.

Mr. Petrogiannis will address such common electronic contracting myths as these: MYTH: E-Contracting will expose my organization to additional risk. MYTH: E-Contracting is only viable for simple, low-value processes. MYTH: A contract management system is all you need for e-contracting. MYTH: Laws and regulations are still unclear.

A regular speaker on related topics, Mr. Petrogiannis will use real-world examples to demonstrate that, in fact, many organizations have successfully implemented electronic contracting.

There is even growing demand for sophisticated electronic signing solutions to support complex, regulated and high-value processes. The legislation and standards are in place, and mature solutions are available.

Silanis customers using e-signatures for this purpose include Booz Allen Hamilton for partner sub-contracting, the Air Force Recruiting Service (AFRS) for new recruit processing, and major auto finance organizations for end-of-lease processes and credit applications.

Silanis also boasts a longstanding relationship with the US General Services Administration (GSA), the largest contracting organization in North America, to enable vendors to submit and modify schedules online through the GSA Advantage portal.

This seminar will provide attendees with the knowledge and tools to begin planning their organization's e-contracting initiatives.


As a licensed solution, ApproveIt offers a flexible, customizable solution that seamlessly integrates with existing processes and customer sites, for a consistent look and feel. It also allows organizations to maintain control over mission-critical documents, and keeps total cost of ownership low.

About Silanis

Founded in 1992, Silanis Technology Inc. is the largest and most experienced provider of electronic signature solutions. More than 1,400 government and commercial organizations, representing two million users, depend on Silanis' solutions to accelerate operations, improve service and reduce costs.

The company's solutions not only eliminate the inefficiencies of paper, they provide reliable and auditable business records needed to demonstrate compliance with applicable laws, standards, regulations and policies.